I Climbed it

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Thinking about Zhihuatanejo!

"In here's where you need hope most," he says. "You need it so you don't forget. Forget that there are places in the world that aren't made out of stone. That there's a - there's a - there's something inside that's yours, that they can't touch."

It was on Shelja's (my teacher in the solution focussed therapy class) insistence that I sat down to think about my Zhihuatanejo. Remember the movie Shahwshank Redemption!

Often life looks like the opening aerial shots of the prison. This prison is a scintillating piece of architecture. You can't run away from it. No exciting and loving outsider can meet you here. Its impenetratable. It has tall stone walls stretching above every shot. It towers over its prisoners. Those who live inside it are hopeless. For them life will end in the four walls of this gigantic sad house.

But Andy dreams. He holds onto hope. It's in music, it's in the beaches of Zihuatanejo, in the green sea water...

"In here's where you need it most," he says. "You need it so you don't forget. Forget that there are places in the world that aren't made out of stone. That there's a - there's a - there's something inside that's yours, that they can't touch."

So my Zhihuatanejo in five years-

- Sipping coffee/margarita in Newyork
- Discussing screenplays with this oooh so sexy & smart a man:):)

NEWYORK ...Naaaah!!!! May be several trips and the above but why would I want to live there? for fun!! Buttt...what fun! I wouldn't really appreciate JUST fun!! Lots of fun is acceptable though!!:):)

Think hard. Effort Number 2 to be my own Heroine Number 1-
So my Zhihuatanejo in five years-
- Beer on the streets of London. And I am in this Black dress and lovely Boots. And I work for the gaurdian.

Oh plssss. I don't want to. Why go from the third world to the first world to do journalism? The real stories are here. Uhmm maybe if I am posted in North East or Chattisgarh! and get the gaurdian salary and work ethics!:). But no. Something's not working there.

-Effort Number 3-
- Beer. Boots. Black. Psychoanalyst.

Hahahah! It takes 5 years of being on the couch with the psychoanalyst. this can't be after 5 years!! But do I want to study PA?? or Do I want to make films!!

Take a break.

Effort Number 4-
- I am in my Mumbai Flat.
- I have made a film.Working on another.
- Some of my students have passed their tenth. I am proud and clearly euphoric.
- Some of them teach our new students. This is a huge achievement.
- My father is doing great. May be has a girlfriend:)
- I have some published work.
- I have a lot of time to read and write.
- I have some very close friends.( I have that)
- Pyaar Mohabbat and Fanaaa bhee hai!
- And I am more fit. I am kind of agile:)...u know like a martial arts expert:):)...hehe! y not I ask??:)
- My cousins and I hang out quite often.
- My brother's family is happy. We spend a lot of time together. I get to play with my lil niece:)
-May be I have adopted a girl!! May be! Not too sure! Can happen after a few more years!:).

How will I reach there? I am almost there.
Some of the work that I have discussed will happen with time.
I have written the steps in my copy.

The places I want to see in next few years-
-South Africa
-Newyork in the US

In India-

I don't get the feeling of being caged for a while now. In fact I am happy with whatever I have right now. As in today. This moment.But things change. Have changed in past. And it is for those days,hours and minutes when we have to remember we all have a zhihuatanejo. Those are the days when you and I will need to take out a pen and paper and write about our ideal life. Sit calmly when everything around us is in a mess. When the tide is high lie low. And Relax. And treat yourself to some music. A day out at the arts galary. Put every bit of what can be the solution on the paper!

None of this is easy. But who said life is easy!!?? All that we say is LIFE IS CHALLENGING! and FUN! So lets be at it!

And its good to remember in tough times that hope is a good thing. Its not a foolish thing. Its the best thing.

25th February, 2011

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